Featured Poetry

[Wisteria, you are always silent]

Allec Gomes

[ except as you change from season to season ][You are always still ][ except when you shiver in the wind ][You are sexless except for the bees ][ when they come in the spring ][We have so much in common ][ your wordlessness, my wordlessness ][ my desire for the pastoral ][ your embodiment of nature ][ my desire to be unseen ][ your leaves that hide me ][ from unwanted eyes ][Your roots go deep ][ my roots go deep ][Your ancestors are from the other side of the world ][My ancestors come from the other side of the ocean ][Neither of us is indigenous, both immigrants ][You are a pacifist ][I am a pacifist ][You are a maker of lavender ][I am a lover of lavender.]
