Featured Poetry

Still-life with Hands



The man in the red hat took my photograph and

against two orders from the Congress of New and the
Association for Wrongfully Surveilled Women

As well as the pleas of the Society of Edges

shipped a polytechnic inscription of my left breast,
two magnetic etches of my under-skirt

across the sea to Aphrodisiac’s hollowed grounds

the thimp thumping of the predators with pray,
they say their prayers at dusk and I am thinking the

thinking is drowning, everything drowned from radio-head to the seconds after climax when

calling again, I thought we were over
you turning to eat pickled plums over the wet basin

And my photograph awash, cat-eyed genitals at sea—

we have been here before
you siphoning meaning relentlessly from

A picturebook of openings and me

in attesting to the faculties of neon signage
lost a portfolio of generally high-performing stocks which

In the chaos of our time abandoned everything.

hey ho! says the girl, the girl in the pictures who takes
all instances of frogs gone belly-up seriously

At least in the critical sense and from which she is composing a serial and mutinous document.

her mother calls from East of the first ocean
I saw you in the water she said with one heart worn

To rust. Where the other organ is concerned she didn’t know where it was and

forbid the daughter from relying on this false allegory
to get a point across or to woo a lover.

Well. The eyes of a redwood nymph only turn black once

and now we are in the business of collecting facts dead as
discount molten lava cakes.




Listen, the economy crashed last

night, me coating the bankers’ unwashed thumbs with imported
Mezcal somewhere south of Grand Central

And the roaring matchbox cabs with their antennae of unrealized

possibilities, which, in breaking I ate out
a countryside cunnilingus harkening back to olden

Days Sesame Street rave high up above Madison and the little

Uber icon flashing three minutes! three minutes! to
caller number two, skinny dick as my friend L

Lovingly calls him but when you know you know

and he has not given up our ritual of abject refusal
him saying I know this good place for bagels and me

Breaking an easel over the head of the conceit of morning-afters.

my tongue holds regard for Seussical saliva only I say to
hands tangled like cheapo Christmas lights on the highway

Restaurant-front, my mother and father in some cramped evergreen booth

that contained their sex and with it their lives.
I hadn’t know the contours of your pleasure she admitted to me on the phone later

And still the boys are waking to cybertechnic tunes of tomorrow

of the recommendations on shorting the market while
palaces of sashimi glisten untouched, perhaps ignored

The pink edge of which like honeycomb in its refusing to ascend to the

filthy dictums of salad at six.
I was trying to tell you​ becomes the stuff of

A particularly despotic atomization

and you are still considering the real estate market in Palm Beach
as well as the insular humiliation of asking a question, or if

Did you know​ punctures the timetable of our occasion and the untenability of

walnut oil-based shampoos in thin
little tubes




At lunch on the Hudson J recoils from tuna salad sandwich

slathered to perfection on artisanal brioche bun
They want similar things she tells me gathering

Green mayonnaise on the cuff of unrealized openings.

in yet another sense she is ill-suited to the demands of
a cruelty so facile it disappears in the milieu of

Early morning communications and scrawled tags screaming ​for you

when he arrives everything appears too soft to exist,
little numbers on Soviet-era watch awash in

A yellow bile. At oddly prearranged intervals of twilight we

woke damply to liver dancing across the tile, stovetop,
butter in rural England cross the crest of our mutual misfortune

And him saying something about the office culture of such and such plus

our shared responsibility in the deconstruction of the plum
a figure I interpret against my own best wishes literally

Or else the stuff of dreamsparks.

in the beginning, there was duende says Lorca. In the
end we realized we had forgotten to eat dinner and so

Stopping by Starbucks a move that so startled me I

ordered chocolate milk with a heavy dose of ​I’m not
going back in there​ per the custard that

Congeals on the bottle’s bottom and him having the gall to say anything at all.




His name was Sigh everything he touched turned to

cuneiform arabesque side tables and the jocular first hour of morning when
embroiled in his own understanding took the next train to Katonah

In advance of the markets’ opening and in a sequence of mourning which began

peculiarly at dawn, the skylight over Manhattan High a figment of
boys’ dressing rooms at hometown Y and the abortion of cut-and-bake

Confections from a general landscape of malaise jockular social media presence and

everyone singing along to the realities of the failed state of California
or the concomitant misconstrual of X for Y which in other worlds possesses

The fine mist of ammunition-less tragedy. They told him to be a man and Sigh

obliging took a finger to small round tables for two and the glittery
junkyard of my dreams

Inside of which it made sense to stay wanting you commenting

on the status of lobster rolls or the occasional displeasure of
Amsterdam Avenue when I had something to say to you.



Funny too to consider when she knew—

and if upon waking recognized that everything was erasing itself
as it occurred, rendering obsolete the

Sly look on Sigh’s face when counting his rolls before eating

on the one hand and our sense of history as recursive on the other.
the problem a problem I admit mightily is that I wanted too much

And Sigh was still eating pickled plums by the wash basin

a move which had frightened his mother for weeks she
procuring a small book in which to record and the

Artifice of their first fuck hanging around Sigh’s neck like a

gift. It made him shudder and standing in the shadowlight of
mutual entrapment or a shared affinity for inspection

He made a deal with the seams of their most moonlike insufficiency

broke it off basically and said goodday, ma’am, I cannot pass
on any relevant information concerning the likelihood

of a seismic event on the order you are presently imagining

and for those reasons I must abstain lovingly from any
future discourse on the impressibility of your impending

Bright green heart attack.




In the morning the old pine needles of their coupling

rustled in agitation as she took an old promo lighter to the
misgivings of coffee at six or, how in the knowable dampness of

Waking everything drummed on toward those olden sites of disuse

discarded foam laundry sheets, the fritter fratter of ​I
want to grow up to be somebody familiar with the matter

Or, that during a final meeting they skirted around the dripwood of

their dialogue tongues resting neatly in the gumminess of
unsewn finitude

An unabashed regard for the end and scrambled rumore.

now we and they are taking stock of the area prices for
a gut home reno, and in barely displaced dreams the

Contractor sings a strange tune of gestalt love, of the unsuitability of

wandering Columbus alone, looking to be saved by all
the articles of refuse dotting the boulevard and with them

That concave belly of this mutually thinning affinity.




In the interest of time mothers move

stepwise and as for her a lingering in Mexico City
we lost touch some time ago, my mother reflects moodily. it is a

Monday afternoon and my world’s gone positively Popsicular

the grass was this euphoric entanglement of judgment
as I a king sat in the soft grass

And someone brought me watermelon sliced into precise little cubes

and everything felt round.
well that’s one version of it she says evenly

In some panhandle cabin the moon but a rakish visitor

stopping by for cookies. Her mother commanded her at the sink,
stop howling​ but she hunting for interpretive freedom

Splintered the task. Brought old light to new deeds in calling

attention to the weariness of form, a realization
which frankly undid me. And her taking a ticket to

The reeds of some unknown city where love was.




She went South for a visit to mother’s old port house when it became

apparent that Sigh was up to the same tasks, eating pickled
plums thinking about the potential for growth in the ethical

Landscaping industry and circulating pamphlets of ingenuity in

a purpled-over club, Canterbury, where your buddy’s
ex-painter still composes instructions concerning

The ebb and sound of lavender eyeshadow applied furtively

in hotel lobbies. ​I cut my cheek waiting for you​ I wanted
to hiss across the Internet, but something in me abided

And after all I had not yet known the fury of after hour dinner calls

or the structural inadequacies of passing reprints for the
yolk of all art.

Intriguingly, I always demanded the truth, she suggested

her mother one foot on the stepstool underfoot in the glowing
ether of suburban Houston, O haven of alien corpus

And the sushi fusion spots growing tethers in a land built on

the quietly receding architecture of a dream of everlife.
Her mother would not abide a characterless dream and so

Compiling manners in which to proceed in a blue velvet flipbook

argued sufficiently for the addition of
plums to the basket and as for her daughter

A little god born daily.



It was a long winter eating my wristbones

you back in Santa Fe for Christmas like the telos of
my staying with a friend in Indiana, old condo on the

Near side and the premise of brunch in this renovated

farmhouse where blue corn quinoa
cakes were, drowned in gravy while I texted the diagrams of

My understanding the seaside as false and the painted metrics of

whether to return and eat little frosted cakes by
the seashore. Friend tells me it’s not so good to be abiding

These days and I have entrusted her with the mark of an age

when we roiled in cabs and ate very small pieces of
sushi in stillblack clubs along the barricades.

Truth be told, I miss eating out of the riverboy’s hands. Everything

felt good in the atmosphere of your wanting to leave
the party early for pancakes a mark which far from

Isolating the cause of her rapidly evolving vicinities only embitters

them in Charleston wine caseside.

