Featured Poetry

Portrait of Some Guy Bumming a Smoke

Yes, I have richly paid. And I’ve added
words to where there were no words.
When the evil pestilence came
I didn’t touch a park bench for two years.
Tell me what you think about
when you stub your toe.
I mean, what’s your thought process there.
An actress I dated many years ago
Is now trying to find a cure for cancer.
Another is doing high-flying financial deals
Involving millions of dollars.

I would reduce myself to a heap on the floor
Weeping as he sifts through Polaroids.
Soon it’s going to start raining
and it’s never going to stop.
Or, put it this way: when it stops
We’re no longer going to be here.
Freak out, beat your bible all you want.
Reach for somebody, say you’re sorry.
Put on some Samuel Barber, some Copland,
whatever. Now’s not the time to be reading Pound.
