Featured Poetry

Moved, I

Shall not be


but a Lusitania

behind these eyes.

Later, surfacing stories

of contraband dynamite

may only contain gossip’s


that allies shall find

the sham of after legend

becomes mystery…


Legacies, legacies long

as memory’s gaze, that searchlight

for truth’s cargo, my passengers simply

innocents, unsuspecting & too 

conveniently waylaid.


Know their voyage & its stance:

a vacation, waves, the tiers

of room service, the diner’s bells,

the decks for sun bathers

strolling to taste spray in views

of stiller light…


Misbegotten moon

before a new sun’s serenity?


No iceberg struck this, nothing neutral,

only nature in enemies man made:

the torpedo & its point

careening to swipe sides

& sink sink sink…


Here, reach slumbering depths now,

the fish for vision,

the fins through silenced

cries, the orphaning currents & the pearls


through which my submerged gleams see.
