

In essence, a predatory people, fashioned from a divine
autobiomythography, from our own voice : an opened
mouth muse, or muting muzzle. Our sum/some of the
whole unconvinced we all belong together : the eaters of
grass we prey upon; our teeth sharpened & iron in our
countenance; our patience gone to gnashing &

biting carnivores of ambitious appetite.

Fake humans inventing fake realities, then peddling their
Made in ______ cheap to other fake humans, as forgeries
of themselves, is who we are. Our yesteryears denied &
rewritten, despite our heart’s insistence on repentance
when the road runs out & we’ve gotten as far as we’re


Our lives start out small & go forth & multiply, & in this
way, our evolution is nothing short of virulent. Our lives
are only the brain’s chemical perception of what is real—
in the end, less than we wanted, or too much more than,

we needed in the first place.

Our dreams, most often shadowed by parallel choices of
indecision, or the simpering angel-speak of acceptance,
& we find ourselves at the same moment repulsed &
fascinated, resigned, like the woman who once said to me
that where we lived was the garden of Eden, its forest of

lies concealing the conscience of truth.

& our sins, a ravening, still scattering into Babel, like an
annunciation, made from the nowhere nudge of that
sudden impulse—the sudden blow not from anywhere at
all, but the blindside thud of illusion & a willful
suspension of disbelief : writhing serpent-like temptation,
no matter how seductive, is still a fantasy, but keeps us

always wanting

more & more & . . .