Submission Guidelines

Please ensure all submissions are in .doc or .docx format. PDF submissions will not be accepted.

Note: We post all publications on our social media platforms. Please include your Instagram and Twitter handles with your publication if you would like to be tagged online.


We publish short stories and novel excerpts from 300 – 6000 words. Please submit only one piece at a time (unless you are submitting flash fiction, in which case you may submit up to three short pieces). For excerpts of forthcoming works, please make note of the publication date in your cover letter.


Please submit up to five poems at a time (totaling no more than eight pages). Please submit all poems in one file. Long poems and excerpts of unpublished works will also be considered. For excerpts of forthcoming works, please make note of the publication date in your cover letter.


We publish personal essays, literary essays, and experimental hybrid forms. We consider essays from 600 – 6000 words. For excerpts of forthcoming works, please make note of the publication date in your cover letter.


We publish reviews of new fiction, poetry, non-fiction, and graphic novels. While our focus is on reviewing Canadian works, we also consider works from around the world…


We publish interviews with writers and visual artists. The format is Q&A with an analytical/literary introduction to the artist’s work…

Visual Art/Photography

We publish photographs and other works of visual art (i.e. illustrations, paintings, collages, digital art, etc.) in both colour and black and white…

Please do not submit more than once per year in the same genre.

White Wall Review

Department of English: Jorgenson Hall 1036
Toronto Metropolitan University
350 Victoria Street
Toronto, ON M5B 2K3