And as the frugal write love letters to carrion-
submit their flaws to carried away
by auto body repair men, as the maggots
in their twisted race reveal miracles
of salt
The institutionally charismatic must clean
their blankets more often
must be spokesmen for logic and losing
and especially secret receipts
Whereas the cereal aisle is historically
a safe space, no judgment,
you can show up with your rubber duckies
your late library books
your leftovers you left over
till mold helped you throw them away
and no one asks you how often you sweep
your floors
For laundry is excruciatingly elastic
and all the stove-tops and microwaves
have different settings
so we’ll just blame it on the fat thumbs
and drive slow past concrete verandas
where old men whap their carpets
any way they damn well please
and the dust goes up over them
for a moment the are superheroes
and then they are slugs