Featured Poetry

Or Something

The moon is not particular

            in her luminous ribbons,

sequins of wants—


a little space, maybe more time

present with the day

& less lost


in idle reflection, drunkenly aglow

in solipsistic waters, 

in frozen screens


where life scrolls endlessly past—

it’s a flight of geese

over powdered schist, 


a skinny dipper heaving his bag 

of proteins, lipids,

 cruelty & grace 


so sacredly to light the moon 




She is a model of redemption & rebirth; 

of always seeing 

the other side of things.


Hardened as she is 

to partialities—



perhaps a period of fewer changes, 

a brief hesitation

in weary tides,


delayed departure plans to dozing

migratory birds,

arguments set adrift,


misgivings kept under as our hearts 

glow a moment longer— 

round, luminous, perfectly full
