beginning with I don’t know what
I don’t know how far back to get to the lost
beginnings of loss as lost as his memory
of the morning’s breakfast lost as yesterday
or the day before that or the last day
the landscape outside his hospital window
was in flower in leaf
the beginnings of his last breath last exhalation
lodged in the room itself I don’t know how
many times how many times he asked
my mother to take him home but this is your home
how many times before pushing her way out
of the ward to the lobby to the parking lot to her car
to her single woman’s apartment to cry out her loss
that was when he had a voice when he could still
make sense make sentences taking place
in the slipping away past tense and in the end
it all became present the past even 20 minutes past
20 minutes didn’t last and it was today
and today and today and that was a kind of hell
we thought all of it was hell and it was
hell and all were lost those stumbling
souls closing the circular march round
and round the restless clock of their days
and months and it was hell but it held
angels in the worst of that present continuous
angels to wake them and walk them a landscape
of angels to spoon up the spilled and the lost