

“I thought that I wanted to bring some light into that tremulous void,” he says, “the darkness that has fallen on the bridge as the result of those suicides.”  -Revington


Luminous, how it seems,

Actuality a victim of subjectivity,

Beholding eyes,

Hopelessness is dangerous,

Yet normative, intense,

These Judas streets,



There are so many



Push and pull,

A chase ends up at

Great heights,


An invisible race,

Penetrating and apparent,


Propelled, not by motivation,

Driven mad in the lonely

Crux of sorrow,

The hard hands of

Uncaring cold societal



A figure gaping open

On a bridge, tableau,

That Edward Munch Scream

Silenced in 2D, painting

The image of a human,



Relentless pursuit,

Suicide is reprieve from the

Torture of the repentance

That those Munch Screams

Could not receive,



So loud inside,

The dark creeps in,

Takes up residence,

They can only function

From feeling that

Soul wants to separate


From those


To lift off and fly

Away like a bird

Without a cage,



These Judas streets,

Crowded, restless spirits,


These urban boroughs

Are ghosted,

Ravines and viaduct,




Haunting took place

Before they jumped,


Bloor Viaduct, portal,

Transitory relief


From a grim reality

That demons imitate


The dead long before

Soul and body



On that bridge.



Harris and his bridge,

There he is,

Contained inside the

Frames of a

Photographic series,


Architecture and nation-building,


Deliberately poured

Layers, non-accidental,

He is not sedimentary,

A ‘city-building visionary,’

‘genius,’ his plan,

Progress and completion,

An industrial beacon.




Writer sees

Immigrant men,


Clean pressed shirt

Poses, rolled-up

Gripped canvas,

Black brimmed hats,

Neatly standing

With rugged ravine views

In the back


Ground through

Unforgiving blueprints,

Sunburnt men with

tired earthen faces,

Sweat-glazed and lifting,

Shovel and wheelbarrow,

They’ve come from

Smoke-filled kitchens

Of stubborn wives

Talking about the crowds,

They need functioning

Sewage systems,

Clean water,

Instead of a bridge.


Writer does not see

A photographic series

For the city administration

From the perspective of the men,

Sacrificing and victim

To the birth of that bridge,

Where are the faces of those

Who died on the job?

Outside the frame a widow

Weeps, the deceased walks home,

Alone, his life design

Realized in the pages of a novel.




A community,

They are a community,

Imagine 600 people standing

at once on that bridge.

I see different numbers,

400 to 600,

even 400 people is too many,

all nameless, their memory lost,

I would try and find every person’s story,

Build a publication for them,

Their lives braided together, separate,

An anthology,

Their history, the architecture of

A wounded city.




Harris makes a home

On his iconic creation,

He needs to face them,

Each one, as they come

And jump off,


The reality of his life work

Must contain these

Gruesome scenes,

So, he remains,

A captain gone down with

His ship, Titanic,


The Bloor Viaduct,

A magnet for suicide,

A bridge to death,

400 to 600 suicides by

2003, he holds his

Face in his hands

Registering the facts,


the second fatal

structure in North America,

first the Golden Gate Bridge,

second his,

1 person every 22 days,

He wanted to catch the child

In 1957 who fell walking

Along the railing,


Harris makes a home there,

The full scope of these visions

Drives him insane.



“I look forward to the days of bad weather because the movement of light will be exquisite,” he said. “I imagine people will identify with its mood swings.” -Revington


The veil appears alive, artery,

Sensitive and flowing with environment,

Bad weather marked by hues,

Soundwaves, synesthesia,

Toronto is not a romantic city,

Icy and emotional, Lake Ontario,

Haloed by an unforgiving shield,

Homogenous concrete skyscrapers,

Crown of thorns,

Removed, the change of winds, netted,

Fluctuating temperatures, webbed,

Time is measured by light,

Sunrise and sunsets,

The veil lives through seasons,

Aquatic greens and blues,

Summer is on fire, orange and pink,

The people are divided

By geography, by opinion,

Jungle ravines, bluffs and cliffs,

Bowstring masts perceived as

Christian crosses, discrete memorials,

Stone slabs, tomb markers,

Language is used to help a population heal,

Barrier or band aid, veil or curtain,

Life is a cable walk between life and death,

Ethereal and living,

There is a conversation between

Historic designers, immigrant hands,

The need to feel out transcendence and pain,

Compassion, a veil existing in multiple planes,

In plain sight, sympathetic cross-hairs,

Void and viaduct, her terrain flattened

By glacial melting, a tumultuous shaping,

deep fissures, healed wounds,


“San Francisco turned upside down,”

Where literature is born, where

Quiet-pained-bodies go to die.



People and places

Thinly veiled,

Heat spots in oceans,

Cratered fabric

Throws between

Earth and spirit,

Amongst a manifold,

Thin, the inside of an elbow,

Membrane, the back of a knee,

Where worlds

Encounter each other,

Overlap, a wave falling

Back into the sea,

A shoreline left darker

Where it was touched,

Duality is channel,

Night and day,

Rock and sand,

Sky and mountain,


Stream cutting, erosion,

Spirit runs through.




Collective conscious

Knows that a ‘gust of wind

Blew a nun off the bridge before

She was scooped up in midair by

A construction worker suspended on a rope.’


The Luminous Veil, suspended,

Elegance, grace has returned,

Catching those



Suicide is expensive,

One jump could cost the community $849,000,

Healthcare, ambulance and investigation,

Autopsies and funerals,

Indirectly stalling capital accumulation for

A moment, prolonged and painful,


Some want to get to

The root of the problem,

Antecedent conditions,

Public health is important,

Vulnerable communities are expensive,

Defacement and disruption,


Metonym, a city’s current state,

The viaduct a proud signature,

The veil a reality check for how

Toronto feels,

“I just reached through the barrier,

put him in a bear hug,

and grabbed around behind his body,”


It takes almost an hour to keep one

Quiet-pained-body aloft,

Lifted from falling,

Humanitarian levitation,

The veil a life-vest in a freezing

Iceberged ocean,

Leverage is gained,

The people can start to get a grip,

A handle on this situation.
